It's all because of the MSNBC Obama Democratic debate that occurred last night.
Keith Oberman use to be a favorite of mine but after watching him wallow in his own Obama spew last night he is quickly joining my list of self important assholes with the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Riley.
It's one thing for an Obama supporter to join the panel and discuss his or her take on the events of the evening but when the host of the evening just flat out displays favoritism for one candidate and their dislike for the other, you really have to question the credibility of the Network. Save it for your own show Oberman!
Then there is Tim Russert... If he had been allowed to go on any longer with his list of hypothetical/what if questions I have no doubt we would have eventually gotten to whether or not we should retaliate if Monkeys started flying out of his Ass! (and i would have to vote yes!)
The fact is, The National media has been unfair to Hillary and made every attempt to beat her down like a rented mule! Much the same way the New York Times did to John McCain (after all, why would you endorse a candidate at the same time you were sitting on a story linking him with unethical lobbing practices and a sex scandal?...just asking?)
So yeah, I'm Mad as Hell and I'm going to do something about it. This morning, I gave money to I also started several pissing matches with the Obamabots on a few message boards and I signed up to make phone calls to the residents of Ohio on Hillary's behalf. I'm even trying to talk Fitness Nerd into going to Ohio this weekend to do some work for the campaign.
I have never felt as passionate about a candidate as I have this one and anyone with half a brain can clearly see that she is the most qualified and best equipped to take on this job. I get that some people just don't like her but a lot of people voted for George W. because they did "Like Him" and look what they got.
So, If you agree with me and feel the same way then I challenge you to step up today and take action in some way. Don't let the thought of You can't make a difference Matter!

1 comment:
Sing it, sister!
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