So I'm driving to work yesterday morning, heading north on Meridian Street. Somewhere between 46th and 52nd street, in the area I like to call "The Tour of Homes" my poor car all but took a nose dive into what had to have been the worlds largest Pot Hole Ever! It came out of Nowhere and caused the most God Awful *BAM* when the car hit it. luckily, the car kept going and no damage was done despite the blunt force of the impact. I kept driving north and then somewhere around 80th street, a Pylon - sawhorse - orange & white construction thingie (what the hell are those things called?) blocking the right hand lane and causing the rush hour traffic to practically screech to a halt as cars had to file into one lane to get around it. As I drove past the pylon - road blocker thingie, I noticed beneath it, a Pot hole so big, it made the one my car had fallen into earlier pale in comparison. Soon I was at work and the whole commute was an after thought.
So this morning, I'm driving to work again, North on Meridian street about to enter the "Tour or Homes" I soon realize that I am in the right lane and on course to drive my car off into that gigantic Pot Hole again that was approaching fast. The cars were bumper to bumper in both lanes so there was little hope of getting over in to the other lane, I considered the possibility that a Pot Hole of that size on a major city traffic route would more than likely be taken care of right away by the City Road crews but as I looked forward down my route, I realized that was not the case. One-by-one, the cars ahead of me were taking the plunge. Break lights were glaring, Some fools were swerving over into the left lane to avoid the hole causing the left lane motorist to either slam on their brakes or swerve over dangerously close into oncoming traffic in the south bound lanes. The Hole was coming and I was going to hit it. I couldn't avoid it so I slowed the car down, I tightly gripped the wheel, my body tensed up and then *BAM* into the Pot Hole I went!
It felt like an even bigger impact than the one I'd felt yesterday, but once I was out, I noticed that the car wasn't shaking, the wheels weren't wobbling and that everything was fine. Thank you Jesus! I proceeded heading north trying to get to work at a decent time when somewhere around 80th street we all YET AGAIN came to a screeching slow down as that Damn Pylon-Road blocker thingie was Still blocking the right hand lane! Still covering the the Pot Hole to Hell!Luckily though, we all made it around and headed on our ways but as I drove away, I thought to myself, If that pot hole was so dangerous, that someone felt the need to block the entire left lane, wouldn't you think it would be a high enough priority that the City Road Crew would have it patched up by now?

Yes, I'm looking at you Greg Ballard when I ask that question. Meridian Street is Dangerous and it has been for the last 2 days now! If you could please find the time (and the phone number), I would appreciate it very much if you could reach out to your Roads Department Officials and get this issue resolved before anybody gets hurt.
A concerned citizen and motorist
A concerned citizen and motorist
1 comment:
Call the pothole hotline at (you'll love this) 327-HOLE.
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