Lorenzo was just one of many of my childhood crushes from television shows of the 80's so after seeing his picture the other day it got me thinking about some of the other TV crushes of my childhood.
A big one for me was Jeff Colby (John James) from Dynasty, and later the the spin-off the Colbys.

I saw a picture of him recently and he really hasn't aged all that well. But back then, I would have taken down Fallon (both Pamela Sue Martin & Emma Samms) for a chance that he might marry me one day!
Another BIG crush of mine was Tyler (Tommy Puett) from Life goes on.

His entire look reeked of the 80's and he couldn't have been more Hot with his blond mullet, rolled pants and white hightops! I remember his character being kind of an ass on the show but when you look like that, Who cares? For some reason later in the series his character vanished and Chad Lowe was brought in to play Becca Thatcher's love interest. God I loved that Show!
Anywho... Moving on,
Although I can barley remember the show, it would be hard to ever forget Jon-Erik Hexum who played Phineas Bogg on the short lived series "Voyager".

As best I can remember, his character was from the past and he met up with some homely little kid from the present and they traveled through time to solve a mystery or save the world or something. In trying to find a picture of him, I discovered that he's already dead... Killed himself by holding a gun to his head and firing off a blank that fractured his skull... so sad.
Moving on,
My Brother was a HUGE fan of the show CHiP's but I couldn't be bothered with it... that was until they brought on Bruce Penhall to play the roll of Cadet Bruce Nelson!

Cadet Bruce was the younger brother (or cousin) of Larry Wilcox's character. He was some kind of officer in training and famous for his motorcycle skills.... or something. It didn't matter. Cadet Bruce made this show an instant favorite for me!
Lastly, there was Ricky Schroder *sighs*

I was Fascinated by him... I'm pretty sure that I wanted to BE him rather than BE WITH him. He was everything I wanted to be; cute, blond, rich and a killer dresser. Not to mention, his dad owned a Toy factory! My Dad worked for the Co-op at the time so we were more likely to have a tractor in front yard rather than a train running through the living room.
Aside from Ricky, Most of these people have vanished from the public light and I couldn't tell you what they are really doing today. (except for poor Jon Hexum) I suppose, when the beauty fades, so does the career. But I will always have my memories of them and thanks to Nick-at-Nite and TV Land, maybe a quick glimpse every once in a while.
I think your love affair with Hexum is from another show. You're thinking of "Cover Up," which had the song "Holding Out for a Hero" by Bonnie Tyler as a theme song. I'm only saying it because I think we've discussed it before.
Good lord his hair was better in THAT picture!
That's the set he died on, too
I Specifically remember him from Voyager where he ran around with that little kid and always wore a pirate shirt that was unbuttoned to the naval. I remember I wanted to be that Little kid (no matter how homely he was)
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