It feels like I haven't blogged in ages! The truth is, I have not done a good job at keeping up with this thing in the new year... My Bad! I'll try harder in the coming weeks.
So what's been going on? Not too much here.
I am currently listening to John Kerry endorse Barack Obama over on (puke)
I haven't talked much (if any) about politics here on my blog because frankly, Fitness Nerd does a much better job of it over on his blog. So, if you'll allow me, let me give you my 2 cents on what i think.
I love politics. I love it as a spectator sport. I love that because of the television writers strike, the 2008 Presidential campaign is pretty much the best reality show going right now, full of drama and suspense.
I am a supporter of Hillary Clinton. I have been since it was rumored she might run for the presidency soon after she was elected to the Senate for the first time. I feel that she has the perfect mix of experience, strength, intelligence and compassion to pull this country out of the hole we've been digging ourselves backwards into for the past 7 years. She is the only choice for me. I love watching her in debates. I love watching her go toe to toe with a room full of men and coming out overwhelmingly as the smartest person on the stage. I love that when all of the other candidates are talking about the abstract issues of Hope and Change, she's talking about better screening of cargo ships entering our ports and the recent housing market crisis.
Don't get me wrong, I like the ideas of Hope and Change and all that Optimistic crap. Barack has gained a huge following with those themes and I can see why. Being an optimist myself, I want to believe that anything is possible and that Change can come and give rise to hope and that we'll all be better off one day because he is the candidate of change and blah blah blah...but eventually the Optimist in me has to give way to the realist and ask, "How are you going to do that?"
My personal opinion at this point is that Barack would make an excellent Vice President. I like the guy a lot and wouldn't mind seeing him as my President someday... He's just not ready yet.
Less than a month ago I would have told you that a white woman and a black man would have the same odds of making it as a donut in a weight watchers meeting, but after the events in Iowa and New Hampshire I'm beginning to think otherwise. Barack is a movement. He has been drawing people to his rallies (and more importantly to the polls) in droves. Record turnouts in both Iowa and New Hampshire out numbered Republican 2 to 1 in some places. Plus, he has done what John Kerry couldn't do in 2004. Get out the youth vote. I honestly believe that a Clinton-Oboma ticket could turn some long time red states, Blue.
The Republican party is pretty much on Life support this year and I don't think that all the Evangelical prayers in the world are going to help it.
For the Democrats, Our time is now. People are engaged in this in this election like never before. Record turnout at the polls along overwhelming ratings for a televised debate (on a Saturday night no less) are just the start. This is going to be an exciting and historic year so I encourage you all, get informed and get involved in the conversation.
01/20/09 will be here before we know it and it is my hope that when that day comes, A woman will have crossed that bridge to the 21st centruy into the grand hall of that City on the hill and that Barbara Striesand will be singing one more time, "Happy Days are Here Again"

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