The weekend is upon us and quite honestly, I'm not sure I wouldn't rather stay at work!

The holiday season kicks into full swing this weekend beginning with the annual White Elephant party at J&J's house this evening followed by a party tomorrow night at Leach's house with a visit/party at our friend Melba's house somewhere there in between. All of which I'm looking forward to!!!
Then comes Sunday. (cue evil music)
Sunday is the annual Pride Bag Lady Holiday Show and for the first time ever, I am performing in it as a full blown Drag Queen - Tits and All!
Granted, this ain't my first time in a dress... far from it. but it does mark the first time I've gone all the way, so much so as to have boobs and my face semi-professionally painted and perform not one but 2 numbers in front of an audience.
It's not the performing that i have a problem with. I perform at Karaoke almost every week (give or take perform) It's the "Trying Something New" without knowing if you're any good at it or not that has me nervous.
And then there's the problem of if I suck, then every body's going to say "He Sucks" and if I'm good then every body's going to say "He's Good" and I'm not sure if being called a "Good Drag Queen" is really a compliment??? (nothing against Drag Queens or course)
Romeo is doing the show with me and while I've been hesitant about the whole thing, he's dove into the project Wig First! to which I say, "You go gurl! Represent!
So, with all that said, Wish us both luck and if you can make it by to see us, please stop by!
Have a Good Weekend Everybody!

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