But anyway...
I wanted to take a moment and report on the events and observations that I witnessed first hand "Behind the Scenes" of a drag show. Romeo touched on the topic a little recently in his blog.
Drag queens in general are labeled as being catty, bitchy and very self absorbed and they generally wear that label proudly accompanied by quick wit and stinging one liners. However, take them out of the spot light and away from an audience and an entirely different specie evolves. One that is helpful, giving, and not the least bit concerned of any outward appearances.
All of this was evident as soon as I arrived before the show Sunday night only to find local train wreck and sub-par performer LaDonna sitting at a table as if she had made a point to arrive early to greet the performers as they entered the venue. She was eating her Sloppy Joe and demanding that we all share in the pint of strawberries she had brought along with her. (they free!)
Next was the time, service and products provided by Adessah & Naomi who took every bit of an hour (if not more) out of their evening to painstakingly practice their art form on Romeo and myself so that we could participate in the event. I don't know about Naomi but Adessah flat out volunteered and insisted to help me out, I didn't even have to ask.
Then there was the act of Vickie St. James that has stuck with me since Sunday and inspired this posting. She came out of her dressing room and instructed LaDonna "Gurl! Throw away that wig and let me give you some of my old ones" She then gave her not 1 but 4 wigs (and wigs ain't cheap) and then proceeded to place each wig on LaDonna's head and style it for her. Say what you will about LaDonna but the look of gratitude and sheer happiness on her face at that moment almost made me cry had I not been crying already from the eyeliner pencil poking at my eye.
Throughout the preshow festivities all 3 of the "professional" drag queens were working the dressing area asking if anybody needed help, complimenting costumes, fixing wigs (mine!) and giving away eyelash adhesive. One of them even gave away an outfit for one of the Bag Lady performers to use that evening.
So, say what you will about Drag Queens (and we've all said plenty) but Drag Queens are what give the gay community its color and sparkle. They give us stinging one liners to repeat. They give us something to make fun of and something to cheer loudly for. They give us hilarious toast to use over and over again and they give us a reason to travel two hours if for no other reason than to see _____ (insert favorite drag queen here). But most importantly, they give of their time, talents and tips. Whenever any cause needs to raise money for any reason ranging from AIDS research to a furnace for the Youth home who do they call on and who always shows up? Drag Queens.
So to all of the Drag Queens everywhere on the behalf of many, I have one thing to say..
Thank You and... You - Better - Work!

1 comment:
Gurl... you said it well, those girls the other night put on a great show. I can say from experience I have seen good and scary but it is always entertaining. Your point about being the color and sparkle...you and Romeo just added to it!! I will always help out a good cause but getting to donate and be entertained...well that was well worth the $$ I spent. Keep up the good work.
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