(with the back of my dress tucked in my pantyhose)
The other night I was flipping through the channels and paused on PBS just long enough to become interested in something. It was a news program of some sort and they were doing a story on an upcoming FCC vote to loosen media ownership laws. More specifically, this new rule will allow publishing companies to now be able to purchase broadcasting companies within the same market. Put simply, One person could control every local news source you have access to. Imagine if you were a Liberal and that person was Ann Coulter or if you are a Conservative and that person was Al Franken. The thought of Ann Coulter ruling over me made me shudder so I continued to watch.
The program focused on a member of the FCC (Martin I think was his last name) who traveled around the country to conduct public hearings in different cities to gauge citizens response to this proposal. The response was overwhelmingly NOT in favor of the proposal. Yet despite the outcry the FCC moved forward with it's plan.
All of this made me think:
This is kind of a Big Deal isn't it?
Isn't a monopoly of the News basically the same as Communism?
Why is nobody talking about this?
So I was relieved this morning when I had message in my inbox from Moveon.org. Now I don't endorse everything that Move on stands for and I sometimes feel they are a little too radical but when they asked me sign an on line petition to reverse the FCC decision, i clicked without hesitation.
Conservative News or Liberal News? Whatever your preference is, you have the choice.
They each provide the service of giving us the Other side of the story whether we agree with it or not.
If you feel the same as I do about this topic you can click here and sign the on-line petition. If you don't feel the same and want another side of the story, there is always another outlet or source for you to get the other side of the story from... For now anyway...
For more on this story from someone smarter than me, click here