Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Voices in my Head

Day 2 in Blog world and my mind is overwhelmed with topics to talk about.
I literally could not fall asleep last night because my mind was racing with ideas and stories that I wanted to discuss like;
  • What's the big deal if Mitt Romney is a Mormon?
  • Who will be Barbara Walter's most fascinating person tonight?
  • Is Sherri Shepard serious?
  • Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer really IS the Best Christmas special of the season (Bumbles Bounce!)

Even driving out to grab something for lunch today, Everything I observed turned into a potential blog topic in my head like:
That lady wearing a fur coat while taking out the trash looks odd.
Why is the Steak & Shake advertising ice cream when it's 20 degrees outside?

Hopefully, I can get these, thoughts inside my head organized and post about a single topic in the blogs to come.

Tomorrow will be the first of a weekly feature to this Blog. "Atta Girl! - of the Week!"
The Atta Girl! is a woman that made waves or headlines in the world that week for one reason or another and who i feel deserves a Shout-out!

Check back in tomorrow to see who it is!

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