So you can imagine my delight when a big box shows up at my desk on Monday. I rush to open it and find the standard holiday fare of cookies, candies, and dried meats and I think to myself this is all going on the community table for all the office to share. I keep digging and low-and-behold, I hit the Mother Load! A 2lb tin of Fancy Mixed Nuts! Now I LOVES me some mixed nuts and these arent just any mixed nuts, They're FANCY mixes nuts... with no cheap a$$ peanuts filling up all the space in the tin. I determine right then and there that these are staying at my desk... ALL 2lbs of them.
So starting on Monday, I begin basking in the salty goodness of my fancy mixed nuts... Cashews... Almonds...Walnuts...Hazelnuts...Salt...Mmmmmmm!
and yesterday afternoon, I'm still wollowing in my salty goodness when I reach into the tin and realize, I am at the bottom already!
I have somehow managed to single handely eat 2lbs of mixed nuts over the span of 3 day! I couldn't believe it! but of course this might explain why i havent been very hungry all week for lunch or for dinner! What it DOES explain though is how I came up with the title of this post after going to the bathroom these past couple of days! OY!