Wednesday, March 12, 2008

7 More Reasons to impose Guilt on your Soul!

As if the Catholic Church wasn't trying to make us feel guilty enough, they have now come out with 7 NEW Modern Day Sins to accompany the the original 7 Deadly Sins imposed on us by Pope Gregory the Great over 1,500 years ago. According to the Vatican, "It was time to modernize the list of mortal sins, the most serious of sins, to fit the changing world" ...How progressive of an organization that still doesn't allow women to be priest!
But before we get to the new Sins, let's recap the Original 7.

First of all, I'm not even sure I know what Avarice is. Secondly I find it amazing after reading those that the other 6 Sins can be checked off in one trip to the Golden Corral! For Example:
Lust - Seeing the Buffet! (ooooh!)
Gluttony - Eating the Buffet.(mmmm!)
Sloth - How you feel after eating the Buffet(uuugh)
Anger - How you feel after stepping on a Scale after eating the Buffet (Fuck!)
Envy - Skinny People eating the Buffet (Bitch!)
Pride - You still have room for dessert after eating the buffet! (WhooHoo!)

Pope Gregory obviously didn't know anything about a good buffet when creating that list.

Now, on to the New list of Sins for a Modern World.
1. Genetic Modification
2. Human Experimentation's
3. Polluting the Environment
4. Social Injustice
5. Causing Poverty
6. Financial Gluttony
7. Taking Drugs

According to the Vatican: A person who commits a mortal sin risk burning in Hell unless it's absolved through confession and penitence.
So, if I understand this correctly, does "Genetic Modification" mean that I'm going to hell because I colored my Hair in college? and if so, Will I see Oprah there for her Financial Gluttony? And does the Catholic church really have any legs to stand on when denouncing "Social Injustice" ? Gimme a Break!

Anywho... Since the Church decided it was time for a new list, I thought it was time for a list of my own.
Blanche's 7 Deadly Sins!
So Here goes...
1. Driving around in the year 2008 with a Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker on your car
2. Diagonal Stripped Shirts for Men.
3. $3.45 a Gallon Gasoline!
4. Wearing Flip-Flops in January
5. Wearing Flip-Flops.
6. Believing that contestants on Reality Dating shows are there to find "True Love"
7. Faux-Hawks!

So there they are. Blanche's 7 Deadly sins for a Modern Gay world.
Whether it's by my list, the new list or the original list of deadly sins, there's a good chance we're all going to Hell together.
See you when you get there and I'll save you a seat by the Lake.

Monday, March 10, 2008

I'm Back!

As if anybody really missed me...
Anywho, I'm back from my Blog vacation and as you can see, I did a little remodeling around here while you all were gone. I hope you like the new look!
So what's happened since we last talked?
Daylight Savings Time went into effect over the weekend. I was actually awake on Saturday night (Sunday morning?) and saw the clock on my cable box change from 1:59 to 3:00. I suddenly felt robbed of an hour!

Hillary made an impressive comeback (again!) with her wins in Ohio, Texas and Vermont last Tuesday! You Go Gurl! I especially enjoyed her speech Tuesday night in Ohio when she dedicated her win to everyone who has been counted out but refused to give up... Knocked down but kept fighting...This one is for YOU! Right on Sister! right on!

The Church lady (as I like to refer to her as) retired from AT&T on Friday. She was a sweet gal and largely resembled the Mrs. Beasley Doll from the 70's and 80's. She was however a Die-Hard evangelical republican who believed as strongly in the word of Rush Limbaugh as she did the word of God! She was not ashamed or shy to voice her values and beliefs either so it was no surprise that she and I butted heads early and often! I remember once during an election year, she went so far as to put out brochures and flyers on her desk supporting the local candidates who were Pro-Life and Anti- Gay Marriage so rather than complain to our H.R. Manager, I created my own flyers supporting basically the candidates who were opposing her candidates and personally delivered one of them to her!
After that incident (which landed BOTH of us in the HR Managers office) we agreed that there were certain topics that were off limits and we slowly developed a relationship that allowed us to work in harmony without ever bring up
religion and politics again. As our 10 years of working together went on, we eventually formed a friendship and relationship of deep respect and caring for one another. I am proud to have known her (as dingie as she was!) and I wish her nothing but the best.
Farewell Church Lady! There will never be another one like you (Thankfully!)and you will be missed!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Time Off!

Hey Kids!
I'm just letting you all know that I will be taking the week Off from this Blog.
Not to worry, everything is fine and I will be back on Monday, March 10th with all new exciting topics to discuss including a review of Dolly Partons new Album, Election results, and Bag lady Show preparations. And, we'll bring back the Atta Girl of the Week again!

Everybody have a good week!
See you back here on Monday!
